We have prepared a very special addition to our film programme: a masterclass by an acclaimed Lithuanian photographer Remigijus Treigys called Cinema After Atomic Winter, an audiovisual performance by a poet and essayist Roland Rostowski and a percussionist, jazz and contemporary music performer Arkady Gotesman called Berlinalien and an exhibition of the previously mentioned photographer Remigijus Treigys called 21 days in Berlin.


Audio-visual performance | Rolandas Rastauskas, Remigijus Treigys, Arkadijus Gotesmanas |
November 2, 2019 | 22:00 | Sputnik-Kino

The performance by essayist and poet Rolandas Rastauskas, photographer Remigijus Treigys and
percussionist Arkadijus Gotesmanas combines photographs with essay and sound.

The performance was born from R. Treigys’ exhibition 21 Days in Berlin, which was narrated by R. Rastauskas and turned into a photo essay book. Later all this was dubbed by A. Gotesmanas.

Berlinalien is the most personal and carefully created project, in which the texts of R. Rastauskas are adapted for the stage. Abstract photo and video impressions are followed or bypassed by vagabond-like passages of essays. The creators of the performance see (and show viewers) Berlin in a way, which no one else could ever see before.


Masterclass | November 2, 2019 | 16:30 | Sputnik-Kino |Free entry, registration required

Remigijus Treigys, a well-known and acclaimed Lithuanian photographer, introduces his creative
philosophy and work specifics. Reviewing his early works as well as his latest creations, he will
share insights about the cinematography of photography, the cinematic esthetics and
fragmentation of his works.

“Photography is the guardian of time and memory, whilst in my photography the time definition is
abstract: this could have happened; this is; this will happen…” – says Remigijus Treigys.

Registration to the masterclass


Exhibition |November 2–13 , 2019 | Sputnik-Kino | Free entry

Photographer Remigijus Treigys spent three weeks in Berlin in 2003 and this was when the exhibition 21 Days in Berlin was born. The pictures are dedicated to the city’s architecture, where Berlin is cinematographically portrayed as wrapped in construction materials, constantly in renovation and restoration. There are neither people nor animals in the view – architecture takes the whole space of the photography. Giant, unearthly buildings, so endemic to Berlin, are the main characters of the photography. Critics claimed, that no one ever will see such Berlin, as was pictured in the photography of Remigijus Treigys, therefore, this exhibition is the witness of something impossible.

Remigijus Treigys (b.1961, Kaunas) – Lithuanian photographer. He had 52 personal exhibitions
as well as 75 joint exhibitions in Lithuania and abroad.