Lithuanian classic films, digitized and restored, showcasing the roots of contemporary Lithuanian cinema.
15:30 THE BEAUTY | Sputnik-Kino | Tickets
19:00 WALNUT BREAD | Sputnik-Kino | Tickets

Tragicomedy/Coming-of-Age, D: Arūnas Žebriūnas, 66′, LSSR, 1969
Director: Arūnas Žebriūnas
Screenwriter: Jurijus Jakovlevas
DOP: Algimantas Mockus
Music Composer: Viačeslavas Ganelinas
Art Director: Algirdas Ničius
Editor: Lilija Zivienė
Production: Lithuanian Film Studio
Contact: Lithuanian Film Center/
Cast: Inga Mickytė, Lilija Žadeikytė, Sergejus Martinsonas, Arvydas Samukas, Tauras Ragalevičius, Vladas Jurkūnas, Gediminas Girdvainis, Auksė Kokštaitė, Vaiva Ragauskaitė, Vaidevutis Mickys
Synopsis: Neighbourhood children play a game: one of the kids dances in the centre of the circle while the others shower him or her with compliments. Inga, who lives with her single mother, is friendly and honest. She usually receives a lot of compliments and is therefore considered a beauty. Everything changes when a new boy moves into the neighbourhood.

Tragicomedy/Coming-of-Age, D: Arūnas Žebriūnas, 69′, LSSR, 1978
Director: Arūnas Žebriūnas
Screenwriter: Saulius Šaltenis
DOP: Algimantas Mockus
Music Composer: Viačeslavas Ganelinas
Production: Lithuanian Film Studio
Contact: Lithuanian Film Center/
Cast: Algirdas Latėnas, Elvyra Piškinaitė, Saulius Sipaitis, Doloresa Kazragytė, Kristina Kazlauskaitė, Antanas Šurna, Vladas Bagdonas
Synopsis: A tragicomical Romeo and Juliet story in the backdrop of the 60s in the Soviet Lithuanian province. The love of Liuka and Andrius gets forbidden once the two neighboring families get into the conflict over the dead cow.