Drama / Queer, D: Vitalii Havura, 2020, 20′, UA
Director / Writer: Vitalii Havura
DOP: Alex Mazurik
Editor: Maryana Buryma
Music Composer: Viktor Krysko
Sound Designer: Illa Popel
Producer: Yevheniia Vidishcheva
Contact: Ukrainian Film Festival in Berlin
Cast: Petro Rusanienko, Alina Zievakova, Yegor Kuryshchenko, Ksenia Diachenko, Oleksandr Bondaruk
Yanush grew up in a conservative Romani community in a small Ukrainian town. He is about to get married – just what his parents want. However, Yanush is gay and in love with Pasha. Together they decide to run away from the wedding and leave town, but willYanush be able to do it?